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So it's school time, allot of small town auto service centers slow down and new clients are hard to come by. It's like "where did everyone go ?" You have been around a while and the trend is visible every year as long as you can remember. It just happens, even though you have advertisement specials on shocks, tires, and exhaust!
OK, so you spent money and time trying to bring more work in and you receive a phone call for one of your specials. Great! As I usually do at this point, now what? Obviously you're happy for the work and your ad worked. Well sorta?
If your area is like ours, just because the person came through the door for a special, in no way does it mean you have gained a customer. Clients coming in are great, but you need the family who brings all of their auto needs to you, not just a "special" client.
So have you thought of what to do when the new client enters your business? We are going to assume you have a reasonable waiting area. Great! Next question, how personable is your Service Writer? Does he/she hide behind the register when a new person is waiting for the repair to be completed? Hope not, especially when business is slow.
So the story begins: We received a phone call for an appointment to do a State Inspection, the inspection had expired, so there was a little push to get it done today. We were glad to oblige. The new person came in at the appointed time and our Technician began. So far so normal.
What our service writer took the time to do next is what mattered. The family came along, Mom, four year old boy, and the baby in a carrier. Our service writer cleared it with Dad for their little boy (Tom) to enjoy a lollipop we have for just the occasion. The other cool thing we have for youngsters, car magnets and Amsoil stickers. Tom was thrilled and Mom and Dad had a smile on their face.
We aren't done yet, We also have " healthy gourmet coffee" we serve up. Dad was glad to have a cup and we offered Mom our wide choice of soda = Pepsi, Mountain Due or cold water.
Now it was the Secretary's turn. Did you ever see a women shy away from a small baby anywhere anytime? She comes out and spends a couple of minutes asking about names etc. with Mom.
OK, our technician is finished with the Inspection and brings the Jeep around front. We proceed to pay the invoice and he offers to tell me he did get pulled over for the Inspection. But he also offered up how he had been getting all the needed repairs completed paycheck to paycheck. Good for Him!
Here is the interesting part. Here is a guy, who is budgetting his income to keep the family bills paid up, gives me forty dollars and tells me to keep the four dollars I owned him. Maybe it wasn't a big deal on the tip. But he didn't know us before today.
I gave him our business card, told him about our website, our auto care reminder system, shook his hand and he left with a smile.
The real point - everyone took advantage of the slow time to possibly gain a new customer. Yes, it would be difficult to give royal treatment like that to everyone coming through your door, but it sure won't hurt to be as courteous as possible.
Another note; Since this gentlemen does his own work, Amsoil could have been a perfect fit for him. But let's remember something; he is a new client, not a customer. He is trusting so far, but sugesting he try Amsoil could bend that trust. Your call every time.
Kerry's Synthetic Lubes: Our storys are derived from our Service Center daily events. Fictional characters are used. Use of this information is purely at the readers risk.
Text or call, 814-319-619, I will answer as soon as possible, Thank You!