Kerry Stover

  Brookville, PA | (814) 319-6197


  How Good Is Your Lube, Oil, and Filter Service? 

Ever wonder how a chain - lube, oil, and filter - facility stays open? I have heard stats of averaging two hundred dollars per vehicle running through their oil service center. WOW! 

A well-written service checklist typically accompanies every service. The list is duplicatable and is taught to every Service Technician hired. The ease of duplication does make money when done fairly and correctly.

Is it that easy? Being able to teach and duplicate the service always allows better profit because of efficiency. The "list" method works if you are a chain service center. For the Independent Service Center or like our  NAPA Auto Care Center, I am not so sure. Many of our regular customers didn't care for the checklist. One of my long-time customers came right out and told me she didn't like it. She felt we were trying to get all we could from her. Don't get me wrong; I am not saying the Oil Chain Center was taking advantage; I am simply bringing forth a discussion you may want to have at your auto service center.

Of course, we intended to be and look more professional. NAPA even provided different levels of inspection forms for us to use. Only the first one was to be free and suggested to accompany every oil change service.The idea is far from new; we have been checking tires, fluids, belts, hoses, filters, and suspension since my Father started a Sterling Gas Station in 1956. Think it works? We are still here in 2021, in our facility without gas pumps (Thank You, Lord).

The good news, you already have the tools you need to get started. We have the customers (Check). 
We all automatically read body language, response tone and language (3 checks), etc. of course, how we respond  is the key.

I decided to write down some basic "rule of thumb" guidelines. Add as needed to fine-tune your method of preparing your customer for needed repairs.
1. Be sensitive to the customer's situation but not bleeding heart syndrome. You still have a business to operate and a family to feed. 
2. If possible, give a lead time into when the repair will be needed and estimate. Be sure to cover your basis to prevent future misunderstandings. Remember, you don't have a crystal ball no matter what the general public thinks.
3. Most of all, listen with both ears, give them your undivided attention, and remember whose car it is. 
4. This is an obvious list - No Scare tactics, No sugar coating for needed repairs, and no running other shops down to make a point. You will get talked about enough, don't give them any more reasons to gossip about your facility. 
5. Should not have to say this, but if you are replacing a part, it needs to be done or judged by your customer's habits before it is replaced. Back to our original question. What is the purpose of the Lube, Oil, & Filter service to our customer? What you bring every day "Value."   

Kerry's Synthetic Lubes:  Our storys are derived from our Service Center daily events. Fictional characters are used. Use of this information is purely at the readers risk.
Text or call 814-319-6197 I will answer as soon as possible, Thank You!