Kerry Stover

  Brookville, PA | (814) 319-6197


   Winter anti-skid is great at giving our vehicle needed traction on icy roads. But,That same anti-skid chips away at the paint on your vehicles. You may installed mud flaps, and they do help prevent as much direct damage, but they don’t help the looks of your ride!        As we all know having paint work performed is expensive and we can be without our car for a few days. Ugh! So what can we do? We can go to the dealership or an auto supply and purchase a touch up spray can or bottle of “matching” paint to fill the chips.   
The problem being, there is not a very good chance they will not have the paint for your vehicle. But, There is a good alternative and will work just as well or maybe better!  
 Would you believe finger nail polish will work great and is most likely more durable than auto touch up paint. There is a wide variety of colors to choose from too. So you should be able to get something very close and since you are not “spray painting to blend” it will be noticeable regardless of a less than perfect match.  
  One last tip; be sure the chip is clean and no car wax is in the chip before filling the chip with color.  
 Happy Motoring!